Friday, January 29, 2010


Grandma, hope you like the "pictures" I drew for you on my walls. Don't worry, mom told me I should only draw on paper - maybe next time. Love, Abel


Abel has been waiting for snow all day and it's finally here!!!! One good thing about living in Durham is that you get MORE snow :-) We already have at least a 1/2 inch accumulation and it is still coming down heavily.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Being a boy

Abel had a great day at the park today. Unexpectedly his cousins
Lilly, Hannah, and Martha were there so it was a "maximum fun day," as
Sonya put it. It was fun seeing them playing around together. My
favorite part was when Abel and Hannah were running down a hill and
Abel did a face plant in the dirt, getting some in his mouth. He
looked up at Hannah concerned, but she just said, "it's ok, just spit
it out of your mouth," as she helped him up.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

For DaDa

DaDa, heard you were having a rough day. Hope this picture makes you smile.
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