Sunday, July 23, 2006

Up to our ears

My grandpa is a farmer. He has been all his life. And last weekend it was time for CORN!! Sadly we were unable to help "pull" any, but we did get to help "shuck" it. We decided we liked cut corn better than whole cobb corn (James loves stewed corn). So on Wednesday we boiled, cut, and froze about 13 dozen ears of corn. That's more than 50 ears of corn for those of you can't do math...more than 100 I'm not so good at math either. :-)

And while I was doing all the corn work, this is what James was doing.


tom said...

i heard once that every single ear of corn has an even number of kernels on it. it's either even or odd, i can't remember. have you guys ever heard that? i guess it might be one of those stories farmers make up to make the city folk feel inferior.

James said...

It's a lie.