Monday, July 07, 2008

Flooring: Days 1 & 2

On our long "holiday" weekend we decided to finally start a home renovation project we had been putting off for awhile - tileing our kitchen floor. James gave me this "gift" for Christmas, but we just hadn't found time to get started on it. So, on Thurs. after James got home from work and Abel went to sleep we started the demolition. We tore up the linoleum and the quarter round and started cleaning the plywood floor.
This is a "before" shot
the quarter-round is off
and the linoleum comes up too.
Stay tuned for more updates...


Heather said...

Wow! How exciting. So, I guess you don't have to cook for a few days? :-) Abel is so big! I can't believe he's 10 months old.

Heather said...

I read my comment again and realized I used bad "wordage". What I was trying to say is Abel is getting so big, I can't believe that he is already 10 months old.

Heather said...

Too funny James!